
  • Why drink Dr Stuart's Teas

    Why should you drink Dr Stuart’s teas?

    Our teas are Extraordinarily Good Teas, made out of natural ingredients which are good for you in terms of health and wellbeing. In this video, Dr Malcolm Stuart will go into depth on why you should drink Dr Stuart’s teas.

    Dr Stuart’s have a large range of teas which are beneficial in all different ways but also, it has a variation of flavours that will suit everyone. From our fruity Echinacea Plus to our refreshing Peppermint tea. With this large range of flavours there will be a tea for everyone.

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  • The Beginning of Dr Stuart's Teas

    Dr Stuart’s Teas were created by Dr Malcolm Stuarts, a leading ethnobotanist.

    Herbal teas had a future as they can be therapeutic and medicinal. Our functional teas were created purely to improve health and wellbeing whilst being pleasant to drink. As our teas are functional, created for wellbeing, this means our herbs are of the highest quality medicinal grade. We like to call this our ‘Active Botanicals’.

    The beginning’s of Dr Stuart’s was the acknowledgement of the health benefits from specific herbs, found in Dr Malcolm Stuart’s book: The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism.

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